Level 5 Speaker Wires
[tab name='OVERVIEW']
Level 5 Speaker Wires
The Hesitation:
Knowing that speaker wire requires about 20 times more conductor cross-sectional area as interconnects, we have for years hesitated rolling out our excellent ACElectrum™ Silver/Gold alloy metallurgy into speaker wires, simply because of cost. After all, part of being the ANTICABLES is offering product lines that outperform much higher cost-offerings, at reasonable prices.
Silver is hundreds, and Gold is thousands, of times more expensive than Copper; so to use it means making speaker wires that cost a few thousand dollars instead of a few hundred dollars. That simply did not fit the ANTICABLES philosophy.
The Turning Point:
Our top level ACElectrum™ Silver/Gold alloy interconnects are so good, we have been getting pressure from customers and reviewers to get it going in speaker wires. One day I was finally convinced that, "if ANTICABLES can make speaker wires that need to cost $2 - $3 thousand dollars per pair because of the material used, and yet if they have the ability to outperform many $5 - $15 thousand dollar speaker cables, we are still offering a product that out performs much higher cost offerings at a much more reasonable prices"... and the design project was launched. The results are excellent, and already winning awards as you can see HERE.
Reviewer Martin Appel of Audiophilia said:
"The additional burn-in really provided significant improvements. Along with killer imaging it was apparent that detail, resolution and transparency were off the charts and placed these Level 5 Speaker Wires in rarified air. Instruments were so well defined -- at times it was startling. It was as if each instrument had its own envelope of air surrounding it."
"I must report, to these ears, the Level 5 Speaker Wires got the musical timbres of instruments as correctly as I’ve ever heard. I think the combination of characteristics also contribute the fact that the leading edge of notes or transient attack is accomplished without sounding edgy or hard and still produces a full, three dimensional image that is smooth and texturally complete. This is so difficult to achieve that one usually suffers at the expense of the other."
"The Level 5 Speaker Wires so superbly brought forth the performances that I was floored. I’ve heard this CD hundreds of times on many systems and these Level 5 Speaker Wires provided the most completely accurate aural picture I’ve yet to experience."
"Two more areas I’d like to touch on are dynamics and resolution.... The perception of the space of the recording venue was more apparent than I’d ever heard before. The physical relationship of the chorus to the orchestra was more apparent, with greater depth creating a more three dimensional experience."
"This recording has massive dynamic swings from the quietest passages to full orchestral/choral crescendos and the Level 5 Speaker Wires handled the performance without congestion, blurring or smearing. In other words, you get all the music, all the time. If problems occur with the sound, it’s coming from other pieces in your audio chain, not these speaker wires."
"It’s no secret I loved these speaker wires and they’re not leaving."
Read the enitre review HERE
A 6 foot pair cost $2,100. Add or subtract $350 per foot.
Jumpers start at $175 for two pairs available HERE
Single Wired:
Two stereo pairs of a 11 gauge build speaker wires which will enable single wiring a pair of speakers. All four wires are woven together which makes a pair of nice looking, easy to manage wire runs.
[tab name='HIGHLIGHTS']
- Our new highest tier offering
- ACElectrum™ Silver/Gold alloy signal conductors
- Heavy two #11 gauge build for each speaker
- 30 day risk free trial
- Made in USA (one pair at a time in Lake Elmo MN)
- Every pair personally build by designer Paul Speltz
- Then Cryo treated and burned in for 150 hours (Please allow 2 - 4 weeks for delivery)
Additional Features:
- Built from the same ACElectrum™ Silver/Gold alloy metallurgy as our award winning top level interconnects
- No thick plastic jacketing, which adds dielectric effect distortion and smears the audio signal
- Capable of standing with or outperforming the best cables money can buy
- Comes standard with our excellent sounding Solid Copper Spades which are .525" wide and fit standard 1/4" (6mm) and 5/16" (8mm) Binding posts
[tab name='SOUND']
Sound Improvements over Level 3 Speaker wires:
- Instantly a significantly bigger soundstage
- Improved pitch definition
- Ability to easily delineate multiple voices
- They allow you to hear not just the musical instruments, but also how they are being played
- More resolving of textural and tactile information
- Allows you to forget about the equipment and enjoy the music
- Comes standard with our excellent sounding Solid Copper Spades
- Optional Banana BFA style Z-Plugs made of Gold Plated Beryllium Copper (not Brass), add $10/four
- Optional Medium Sized Copper Spades (.430" wide) for Barrier Strip Screw Terminals (older ARC amps and Vandersteen speakers)
- Optional Vintage Copper Spades (.320" wide) for small screw terminals on 60's amps (Scott, Fisher, Dynaco, McIntosh, etc.)
[tab name='REVIEWS']
Vinnie Rossi, Paul Speltz, Clayton Shaw
LAAS 2017
Graphic courtesy of The Audio Beatnik
“The cables were provided by
ANTICABLES Audio Company. There was Level 3.1 USB Digital Interconnect, a pair of Level 3.1 Speaker Wires for woofers, a pair of Level 5 Speaker Wires (for horn), and a Level 3 Power Cord.”“Discovering the simplicity of this system and its total cost blew me away. I have heard and reviewed digital sources that cost more than this entire system. That would still be true if you added the phono preamp module to the LIO and a first class analog source to the system. You could also make these additions and keep the system price under $50,000.”
“So, it is a very easy call for me. This simple and great sounding system wins the Beatnik’s Bongo Award for the Best System Under $50,000. Don’t forget, as the room was set up, this incredible system was just a little over $25,000. Well done to all! “
– Jack Roberts: The Audio Beatnik
Photo Courtesy of John Stancavage of Part Time Audiophile
“Speaking of wire, the Rossi integrated was connected to the X1s with Paul Speltz’s amazing
“Rossi and Shaw used runs of the 3.1 for bi-amping the X1’s woofer and the silver-gold Level 5 for the compression driver.”
ANTICABLES in the system included the Level 3.1 Reference USB digital interconnect ($390) and the Level 3 power cords ($330 each).”“Speltz may not have designed those cables specifically for the Rossi and Spatial gear, but they sounded like they could have been.”
“Together, the components came together to create a rare musical alchemy. That’s something special that you need to hear yourself.”
– Part Time Audiophile: John Stancavage’s LAAS 2017 coverage
Photo Courtesy of Jana Dagdagan of Stereophile
“The sound… was widespread, transparent, and profoundly engaging—the perfect end to my Los Angeles Audio Show experience.”
– Stereophile: Jana Wraps Up Her LAAS Coverage
Real Testimonials:
"I hope you are enjoying your vacation as much as these Level 5's have made my day!"
"I am enthralled with the difference they have made in my system - unbelievable detail, spatial presence, balance and dynamics."
"Wow...thank you for putting me back into pure listening mode. I had been toying with buying another DAC but these cables showed me that the real need was for these Level 5's - HUGELY SATISFIED."
"Again, you did a smoking great job on the Level 5's...so glad that I took the opportunity to audition them. They are a serious game changer! Much thanks to you!"
Donald Baker, NC
"I wanted to thank you for offering these remarkable cables at an affordable price."
"I had been using your Level 3 Speaker Wires for a couple of years and was very pleased with and accustomed to their very good sound. Upon installing the Level 5 cables I immediately smiled, noticing a level of transparency that I had never heard before. However, I learned that these cable do need a lot of break in time. Now, after another several hundred hours of use they are hardly the cables I initially installed. The sound stage opens up, deepens, widens, and voices and instruments are precisely located."
"The entire sound stage is so much more dimensional. I can apparently now hear what I have been missing. There is a wealth of detail never heard before. For example, I can pick out separate voices in choral music. I suspect much of this is related to a much quieter background. Wow!"
"For me, maybe the most striking improvement is the musical timber or the change in tonal colors; now I can hear how each instrument is voiced or sounds. Before, like instruments seem to have had a very similar sound and now I can plainly hear how different each sounds."
"The music frequency extremes are really extended. Voices remain crystal clear and I think as natural as you're likely to hear them, but bass and treble extension are very easily discerned. I have never enjoyed such deep and mid bass weight or impact. You can feel some beats in your chest…awesome!"
"The higher frequencies are similarly extended, in a manner that I am coming to think are just natural. My wife sits by me often while I am listening and I would hear from her immediately if the sound was shrill or harsh, but she has never once complained of this."
"I recognize that these cables are still expensive and it was a sacrifice for me, but I would never dream of returning them. The broad sound of my system seems dramatically improved. I cannot imagine getting better bang for your hard earned bucks."
"Thank you!"
"Best Regards,"
George from Green Bay